28 Oct 2011, 1:23pm

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Porch Renovation 4

This past weekend was glorious. The weather was a bit nippy in the shade when the wind puffed, but working in the sunshine was very comforting. While Dave mowed the lawn, I used my 4-season broom to sweep the fallen leaves and debris from the patios and naked porch floor. One reason why the porch cement floor has stayed so good since 1977 is because the mason did a great job of it. The other reason is because we’ve taken good care of it.
In the late afternoon, we thoroughly enjoyed the pork dinner served up by the Methodist Church congregation.
Sunday was full of friends and worship at our little church. Then, we scooted over to pick up John and Tyler. Our lunch at the Olive Garden was really fun and tasty. Our server was quite experienced and he made it fun for all of us. The boys were a little rough around the edges, as usual, but they ate their lunch with gusto.
We went into play with little CJ. He is 9 months old and has one, possibly two, teeth starting to come through. He is a happy little boy with two loving parents, not to mention grandparents.
Monday morning, the architect phoned to say the builder would begin excavation tomorrow. This afternoon, the digger was delivered. The weather forecast calls for possible snow on Thursday, so I hope the builder suddenly gets motivated and will finish the footer trenches in time for the mason to pour them and set properly.
The builder dug the footer trenches today. He arrived about 8:25 AM, while Dave was still here. Actually, Dave waited for him to come. They had a chat and each went on his way. Edie arrived at 8:40 AM, so she gave me a running commentary on how the builder was doing. He got all of the trenches and the center part dug out before he left at 3:15 PM. For most of the day, it was misting, making things rather wet.
Wednesday it was even wetter, as it had rained during the night and was lightly raining all day. The mason and his helpers sure made a muddy mess of our driveway, but, I’m sure, it will all wash away in time. They did manage to get the footer forms up, although there is water in the bottom of the trenches. They will have to pumped out before the cement is poured, unless, the water is gone before the cement truck gets here.
It is quite cold today, but there is no precipitation in the air. The builder and the architect are due to have a pow-wow at 1:00 pm to decide what to do about the rigid insulation against the foundation. Apparently, the old porch cement pad has a different type of footer than what the new pad is scheduled to have.
Today, Friday, seems very calm and quiet compared to yesterday’s fevered accomplishments in the light rain. The yard is quite dug up and the driveway is muddy; however, in time, that too will be rectified. There is to be further discussions as to what type of insulation should be applied to the foundation of the old porch and new section; as well as to how best to keep a true line along the new room and the attached garage.

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