2 Dec 2011, 4:57pm

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Renovation 10

The builder worked on the roof for most of Saturday.  Dave used our shop vac to get rid of most of the rain water.   The builder said the plumber and electrician would be here on Monday.

Monday, November 28, 2011:  This morning, the plumber and his helper came  and knocked a hole in the basement wall to bring in the soil pipe from the new powder room. Dave came home early so we could do a ‘walk through’ with the electrician, whose name is Steve.  The builder checked his  blue print as we went around the inside of the shell.  Most of the discussion surrounded what to put in for the hot tub and whether or not it would need a  ‘break away’ switch.  The electrician seemed to think what we wanted to do was do-able.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011:  The builder is out on the shell, pounding away.  It sure sounds like he’s installing more roof shingles.  He came in to cut off the excess sewer pipe in our basement and stuffed insulation or something in all the open ends to keep water and critters out of the pipe until the plumbers hook it up.  The Town Building Inspector stopped by to check out the sewer pipe  lay-out and said it was good to go.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011:  This morning, the builder brought back the little ‘Dingo’, a caterpillar type of scooper/bull-dozer.  The sewer pipe trench s all filled in and he dug out a  section of formerly a garden in front of the 9-foot sliding door.  Eventually, this area will be a cement stoop.  Right now, it is full of packed, crushed stone.

Thursday, December 1, 2011:  An e-mail alerted me to the possibility of the Andersen windows and doors being delivered any time soon.  Dave came home to find them all in the garage.  If they’d rung the doorbell, I’d have opened the big garage door, but I don’t really know when they came.  They must have had to carry those heavy items from the driveway all the way around to the back and go through the sliding door frame in the shell.  Well, the stock is here and it will be great to have the skylight and windows installed.  It will be warmer for the workers and keep out the snow that is sure to flurry soon.

Friday, December 2, 2011:  Early this morning, I heard what I think was the builder tamping down the crushed gravel, but when I took Peyton out  at 10:20,  there was a cold rain and no one in my yard.  I’m glad the windows and doors are in the garage, but I’ll be even happier when they are safely installed.

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