Parent/Teacher Guidelines
Sensitivity activities to try:
1. Make several Feely Cans
Secure a sock top over a coffee can (be sure the can’s edges are smooth), place a small object in the can; feel inside and try to identify the object.
2. Make Sniffy Jars
Thoroughly wash out several salt shakers; put different fragrances in the jars; one per jar ie orange extract, cinnamon, pine needles; try to identify it by smelling. If you like it, it is a fragrance. If you don’t like it, it is an odor.
3. Edible braille cells
Break a graham cracker into quarters; spread frosting on each; use chocolate bits or M&M to copy the braille symbols for your name; eat the braille.
4. Simulated braille
Use markers to color in the dots that would be raised .
5. Creative braille
Use glue or pearl barley to make the braille symbols; write a letter to a friend–sighted or blind.
6. Slate and stylus
Try to write with a slate and stylus; with the Montbaten Brailler; with the Perkins Brailler; with a talking computer embosser.
7. Trust walk
Blind fold one child (if the child is not comfortable with this, have the child close his/her eyes);; have a buddy guide them through an obstacle course; try to not touch the blind-folded person, just talk him/her through the course; change leaders.
8. Listening
Sit very quietly in the room right now; what do you hear?; make and play a tape of a clock, music box, bird song, toilet flushing, etc. to play for each other; Can you identify the sounds?
9. Invite a blind adult who uses a guide dog to come talk with your group
10. Simulate low-vision
Have the children “wear” low-vision simulators made from two thicknesses of wax paper (basic light perception); color-in all but a small hole in the middle of an old pair of glasses (tunnel vision); blacken a small circle right in the middle of an old pair of glasses (Macular degeneration); blind-fold (totally blind).
11. Use low-vision/blind aids
Borrow from an association for the blind or National Library Services a talking calculator, tab padlock, a “Say When”, a talking wrist watch, a lighted magnifier, etc.
12. Mobility
Have each child walk with a long, white cane with his/her eyes closed or blind-folded; guide dogs must only work with their master (they may not be borrowed).