22 Nov 2013, 9:22am

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Revised – Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look

Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look

Edited by Kate Chamberlin

Revised November 2013


Book Trailer:


Audio description:

Narration:     “All great stories start at the same place — from emptiness that yearns to be filled.”

Imagery:  All Black

Narration:     “From that void, imagery and sound are created (Musical score begins), embodying the spirit which brought it forth.”

Imagery:     The blackness gives way to motion in space, past stars and into a pure white vaporous nebula. Musical score begins on cue with the white nebula. Camera (point of view) passes through the nebula to reveal a close up of a brilliantly bright blue human eye.

Narration:     “But where do those images come from when you are blind?  What sounds, rhythms and meters do you evoke when you are deaf?  The answer to this lies behind our eyes.”

Imagery:     Camera slowly zooms in on the pupil of the eye. Within the pupil, stars roll past as the pupil begins to fill with a yellow and orange nebula. The eye fades out leaving only the yellow nebula, which the camera moves through. By the nebula’s end, the cover of Behind Our Eyes: A second look is revealed in close-up on the star filled cover image. The cover zooms out to reveal full book cover displayed on a black background.

Narration:     “In the new anthology, Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look, writers with disabilities invite the readers into their seldom glimpsed worlds.”

Imagery:     The book cover and background fade out to reveal a slow pan down a tree overlooking a quiet river, the entire scene in gorgeous, yet uncharacteristic blues, whites and aquamarines. Image fades into…

Narration:     “This collection is filled with incredible fiction, biographical stories and poems of personal loss, delightful whimsy and deep insight.”

Imagery:     Slow pan up elegant and graceful woman holding a violin, profile view from shoulders and panning up to reveal face and eyes looking wistful. On the narration “delightful whimsy and deep insight” the image fades into a close-up of a woman lying in a field of grass with her hair playfully pulled out around her head like the petals of a flower. The camera pans and slowly zooms in to a dandelion in the grass opposite the woman’s prone form as the narration reaches “delightful insight”. Image fades into…

Narration:     “From tragedy to triumph, from fear to frolic, the tales within take the reader into the heart and mind of the writer.”

Imagery:     With the narration “Tragedy to triumph”, a young man stands on a beach at sunset, back to the viewer, arms raised into the air in a triumphant pose. With the narration “from fear to frolic,” fade into a forested scene in fall, deep reds and shadows pervade the scene. A young woman with long, curly red hair moves with her back to the camera, her hand positions and posture dance the line between trepidation and kitten-like curiosity.  With the narration “take the reader within the heart and mind…” the scene fades into an image of the watery reflection of a boy and girl holding hands, back turned to the viewer. The image pans up, revealing the two standing on a bank looking at a brilliant white/blue incandescent sphere floating before them. Fades into…

Narration:     “Step into our world and see that not all things can be taken at face value.  Sometimes they require a second look.”

Imagery:     Reveal once more of a close-up of the same blue eye, zooming in on the pupil. Within the pupil, stars can be seen pulling away from the viewer. In the final moments before the eye fades out, the Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look book cover is revealed as the source of the stars. Eye fades out leaving only the book cover, which moves over to the left of the screen. On the right side of the screen, title sequences fade in and out with information mirroring the call to action audio.

Title sequences of quotes also appear beside the book cover, just before the website and where to buy information. They are as follows:

“Disability is not the center of the writing — it is the triumph that forms the beauty of this work.” — L. John Cieslinski

Holds on book cover left. Review quotes pop in and out of screen —

“Inspiring and informative” — Patricia Gott

“Great book written by talented writers!” — Theresa G. Pechacek

“An absolute must read” — UNKL Fan

End of Visual description.

This video was created by Ink in Motion for the organization Behind Our Eyes. Please  feel free to share this video with anyone you know.


Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look

Edited by Kate Chamberlin

You may purchase your copies through Amazon and Barnes and Noble at the following links:


18 Nov 2013, 4:13pm

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Ink in Motion

Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look

From Nathan Hale:

“Recently, I was approached by Behind Our Eyes , a non-profit organization for writer’s with disabilities, and asked to be a guest speaker on their teleconference. The subject? Book trailers, of course! While this was not my first rodeo as a guest speaker on the subject, it was my first time explaining the various necessities of HD quality, clean audio, good narration, pacing and scoring and then providing examples…to an audience that mainly consisted of the visually impaired.

This proved somewhat challenging, as you might imagine, but I was told afterward that I had done a fine job. I suppose I must have, as a few short weeks later I was contacted by a representative from the group and asked to create the book trailer for their new anthology “Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look.”

I accepted the offer with no small amount of trepidation. I had to create a video for a client that would not be able to see it. Sound was crucial, narration – an obvious choice. But what to say? And what imagery to use?

Being that it is an anthology, telling a synopsis of the story and concluding with the ‘hook’ clearly would not work here. Donna Grahmann, the BOE representative, very kindly sent me a copy of the book, which I proceeded to read. I read through the book looking for that one story that would stand out to me as ‘the one’ to serve as muse for my video, but to no avail. What I instead found were worlds of diversity, emotional tales and flights of fancy that at times made me laugh, and in the next moment cry. The authors of this anthology shared a commonality in disability, but they were by no means bound to conformity by this. Here were 65 individuals expressing their unique perspectives with a vision that far exceeded the limits of mere eye sight. And it was in that realization that I found my muse.

So here it is, the video for Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look

Sadly, a mere 2 minutes is not enough time to express the many amazing attributes of this anthology. But then again, isn’t that what reading the book is for?


Get Behind Our Eyes: A Second Look in print or on Kindle today!”


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