Agencies that are available to assist the blind and public Education/awareness. Each state in the United States of America has a department called (your state’s name) Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped. The specific name may be slightly different but it can be located in the phone book. Many of the larger metropolitan areas have a local Association for the Blind. This agency can be located in the phone book or at your City Hall.
National Library Service f/t Blind and Physically Handicapped
Washington, DC 20542
* inquire about magazines on record or cassette
*Ask your local library how to sign-up and receive the NLS tape player, record player, and materials to listen to.
Hadley School for the Blind
700 Elm Street
PO Box 299
Winnetka, IL 60093
*Correspondence school, includes courses for parents of blind child, Free to blind and their families
Guiding Eyes for the Blind
612 Granite Springs Road
Yorktown Heights, NY 10592
1 914 245 4024
*information on becoming a Puppy Raiser Family; people 16 years of age and at least legally blind may train with a guide dog; there are 10 accredited guide dog training centers across the USA, your state Commission for the Blind mobility counselor can provide you with the training center nearest you.
Catalogues (usually free)
1. Lighthouse Consumer Products Catalogue
Lighthouse Inc. (formerly published by the American Foundation for the blind)
36-20 Northern Blvd.
Long Island City, NY 11101
* Talkman IV can be ordered from here
MAXI-AIDS Catalogue
PO Box 3209,
Farmingdale, NY, 11735
Phone: 1-800-522-6294
*Excellent source for all kinds of adaptive items.
Personal Contact (for grass-roots networking)
Mrs. Kate Chamberlin