Mother’s Day 2012
Mother’s Day 2012
The weather for this Mother’s Day weekend has been perfect. Saturday, my husband and I worked out in the yard for most of the day. We are trying to reclaim our gardens, which were inundated with dirt dug up to lay the foundation of our cottage, construction debries, and general neglect for more than a year. In a few weeks, the landscape outfit will come in and re-do the brick walks and patios, but the growing things need help now.
In the evening, we dined on Salmon grilled outside and then, relaxed in our Jacuzzi. We were so tired and relaxed that we didn’t even make it to the 10:00 PM newscast.
Sunday, Mother’s day 2012, we struggled through the Sunday newspaper’s crossword puzzle as we ate BLT’s for breakfast. There was a good turn-out for church that morning, considering we have no priest, so it was Morning Prayer. I think we all make more of an effort to support each other without the “paid leadership”.
The afternoon sunshine made more gardening a pleasure. Our PA, truck driving son phoned during lunch and our CA computer whiz-kid phoned in the early evening, as we were grilling tenderloins for dinner. Once again, we soaked in the Jacuzzi before toddling off to bed.
The most precious of my Mother’s Day messages was an e-mail from the younger of the two grandson’s we raised. He wrote:
Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 20:05:20 -0400
Subject: Mothers day
Dear Mimi,
Thank you for being my mother for 11 years. I have always loved you and will never stop! Happy mothers day!!!
John <3
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