by kate
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“…Eyeballs…” BkIII: 38. And Then There Were Two
Hey! You Got Eyeballs In There?
By Kate Chamberlin
As Grace grows up, some of her stories are happy, some trying, some enlightening, and a few themes are sad, but, they’re all the warp and woof of what goes into the tapestry of life we call Family. The daily living skills and techniques demonstrated by the fictional characters in these stories are valid, tried and true.
Book III: Wife and Mother
#33. The Wedding
#34. The Honeymoon: Lake Pocotopaug
#35. The Honeymoon: Freedom Trail
#36. The Baby Can’t Go Home
#37. The Home Visit
#38. And Then There Were Two
Twenty-two months after William’s birth, Grace and Ken were back in the maternity-delivery suite. This time, there was no question about Ken’s being in the delivery room with Grace as she pushed and breathed and panted and successfully birthed Paul, their second son.
There was no hassle about Paul going home with them after the obligatory 24-hour stay. William was excited to move into his “big Boy” room and his youth bed, so that his baby brother could have the crib.
Grace developed a variety of ways to care for their toddler and newborn and keep them safe. She and Ken set-up “safe” areas in each room, so the children could play and not get into things they shouldn’t; yet, Grace and Ken’s nice things didn’t have to be hidden out of sight.
“Oh, William,” Grace crooned. “You look so handsome in your parachute pants. Do you know what color they are?”
“Brown,” William proudly said and, since Ken and Grace had laid out the clothes the night before, Grace knew he was right. She also knew that the swish, swish of the fabric would give her a clue as to the toddler’s location.
Mid-morning, as she nursed Paul, she said, “William, please let Mommy feel what you have.”
He put a small truck in her hand. “Thank you. That is a mighty fine big rig you have, Mr. Trucker. Drive on.”
Once Paul was asleep in his crib, Grace realized she didn’t hear the swish, swish of William’s pant, or his voice as he sang and played with his toys, so, she called, “William, please say Mommy.”
“No,” William said, but it let Grace know where he was playing.
“William, please let Mommy feel what you have.” He brought a pen from Ken’s desk over and put it in her hand. Grace felt it and knew it was something he shouldn’t be playing with. “Thank you she said, but that is Daddy’s pen” and pulled a safe toy out of her pocket. “This toy is for you.”
As the boys grew, they laughed and squabbled and shared and loved each other; however, fear of Social Services swooping in to take her children never completely left her mind.