The Walworthians: Women Aglow
The Walworthians: Women Aglow
A collection of telephone interviews published in the Wayne County STAR Newspaper and Wayne County MAIL Newspaper, 1994-209
by Kate Chamberlin
September 21, 1995
Have you ever wondered about the small announcement in the newspapers about WOMEN AGLOW? My curiosity got the better of me. I called the number in the notice.
I found myself talking to Arlene Leenhouts. She told me that WOMEN AGLOW is an international organization of Christian Women of all denominations.
I asked her what ‘AGLOW’ stood for.
“well,” she said, “it means women aglow with the Christian spirit.”
According to the brochure she mailed to me, “Our mission is to lead women to Jesus Christ and to provide an opportunity for Christian women to grow in their faith and minister to others.”
The Walworth branch meets once a month for breakfast. Usually a speaker will address the group with her Christian witness. At the September breakfast at Blue Heron Hills Restaurant, Becky Harling was the guest speaker. She is the mother of four children and the Director of Women’s Ministries at Browncroft Community Church, where her husband is the senior pastor.
They had recently returned from a ten-day conference in Bolivia, ministering to missionaries. Mrs. Harling spoke about authentic Christianity, which she had titled “Taking off the Mask”.
On October 27-29, Women Aglow will be having a weekend retreat. Susan Goodnight will be the featured speaker.
The national convention is coming up in November. It promises to be very inspirational, uplifting and a great time of fellowship.
The worldwide ministry of Aglow is overseen by an international board of directors. Each nation also has its own Aglow national leaders.
You can experience discovery and recovery, and make new friends in Aglow Bible studies, prayer groups, and support groups, led by Aglow women.
If you are interested in learning more about Aglow, please contact Arlene Leehous at (315)986-3807.
September 21, 2017 Up-Date: Aglow began in 1967 with four women who expressed a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries. The first general meeting was held in Seattle, Washington, USA , close to where Aglow’s Worldwide Headquarters exists today.
Jane Hansen Hoyt
President/ CEO of Aglow International
Jane Hansen Hoyt serves as president of Aglow International, a worldwide outreach ministry that is impacting the lives of women and their families in 164 nations. Take a look at Jane’s blog.