3 Aug 2018, 7:56am

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The Walworthians: Local Artists

The Walworthians


A collection of telephone interviews published in the Wayne County STAR Newspaper and Wayne County MAIL Newspaper, 1994-209

by Kate Chamberlin


Local Artists

April 22, 1999

The Western Wayne Art Group began under the auspices of the Ontario Recreation Department in 1973. The Charter member and motivator for the movement was Demaris Frantz. Dolly Frank, Paul Martin, Thelma Russell, Alice Doyle, Kay Herrmann and Elaine Kreiling are also counted among the original members of the Art Club and still going strong. Their meetings were in the old Seen Garage, which stood in front of the present Ontario Town Hall.

The Art Club held its first Art Show and sale in 1974. Throughout the years their name, meeting place and members faces have changed, but their enthusiasm for learning about their craft and sharing it has never changed.

They warmly welcome new folks who are interested in sharing their love of art and want to meet new friends in the greater western Wayne area.

Nanette Mazzuco is one of those new friends. She will have numerous pieces of her sawdust-fired pottery at the show for sale. Edie Pasquini, proprietress of Potpourri of Gifts, describes Nanette’s vases as having “swirling colors dancing on the surface.”

The Western Wayne Art Group will celebrate 26 years of fellowship and learning about art with, of course, an Art Show and Sale. There will be traditional Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor Paintings, Photography, Pottery, Sculpture, Prints, Drawings and much, much more.

Come meet our local artists at the Walworth Town Hall, Lorraine Drive April 21 – 24, 1999. Wednesday, April 21 from 7:00-9:00 PM; Thursday, April 22 from 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM; Friday, April 23 from 7:00-9:000 PM; Saturday, April 24 from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

2018 Up-date: All of the contact information is out-of-date, but I know the art group is still going strong.


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