7 Sep 2021, 1:37pm

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Kate’s 2¢: “Maelstrom: Destroyermen” and “Distant thunders: Destroyermen” by Taylor Anderson

“Maelstrom: Destroyermen” and “Distant thunders: Destroyermen” by Taylor Anderson

Kate’s 2¢: There is a plethora of in-depth biographies of authors and reviews of their books, that state the title, author, published date, and genre; as well as,     describing what the book is about, setting, and character(s), so, Kate’s 2¢ merely shares my thoughts about what I read.  I’m just saying…

   I didn’t expect to like this alternate universe science fictional story, but, the characters are so well developed, albeit, weird, I found I enjoyed the first book I read. So, I read anotherone!

Taylor Anderson has created an amazing world in his alternate history series. He will have you on the edge of your seat with battles against unknown creatures.

Straits Of HellNew York Times bestselling author Taylor Anderson’s phenomenal alternate history …

Taylor Anderson – Fantastic Fiction

https://www.fantasticfiction.com/a/taylor-andersonActions for this site

Taylor Anderson is the New York Times bestselling author of the Destroyermen series. A gunmaker and forensic ballistic archaeologist, Taylor has been a technical and  gun-maker, and forensic ballistic archeologist who has been a technical and dialogue consultant for movies and documentaries. He has a Master’s Degree in History and has taught at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas.

   Anderson a well known and one of the prominent authors from The United States of America, who likes to write novels in the Historical Fiction, Science Fiction and Fiction genres. Apart from being an author, he is also a re-enactor, a history professor and a gunsmith.


Maelstrom: Destroyermen DB69174

Anderson, Taylor. Reading time: 15 hours, 39 minutes.

Read by Michael Scherer. A production of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress.

Science Fiction

War Stories

Supreme Commander Matt Reddy returns with allied expeditionary forces from a Lemurian mass exodus after the Griks and the Amagi repel their siege. But with the Amagi badly damaged, the allies gain time to prepare for an upcoming battle. Sequel to Crusade (DB 69110). Violence and some strong language. 2009.

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Distant thunders: Destroyermen DB72212

Anderson, Taylor. Reading time: 14 hours, 51 minutes.

Read by Michael Scherer. A production of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress.

Science Fiction

War Stories

Commander Reddy and the crew of the USS Walker are repelling attacks of the Griks when a missing ship commanded by Commodore Jenks of the New Britain Imperial Navy suddenly appears. Reddy wonders whom he can trust. Sequel to Maelstrom (DB 69174). Violence and some strong language. 2010.

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7 Sep 2021, 1:28pm

Comments Off on Kate’s 2¢: “Slingshot” by Mercedes Helnwein

Kate’s 2¢: “Slingshot” by Mercedes Helnwein

“Slingshot” by Mercedes Helnwein

Kate’s 2¢: There is a plethora of in-depth biographies of authors and reviews of their books, that state the title, author, published date, and genre; as well as,     describing what the book is about, setting, and character(s), so, Kate’s 2¢ merely shares my thoughts about what I read.  I’m just saying…

–One’s strongest asset at that age, is youth.

–I’m just being an unhinged bitch, which kind of helps  the way to feel good about feeling bad.

–Maybe everyone is a human being with a whole complicated life attached to them.

–I might be a person; totally on my own. The idea that I could exist. Just by the sheer force of myself.

   It is unfortunate that younger teenagers believe other older teenagers, until it’s too late to realize it was really bad advice.

Advice from a grandparent:

Subject: on being sexually active

Character, Courage, Conscience

It’s been brought to my attention that you and R* are sexually active. It deeply and over-whelmingly saddens me that you aren’t showing the character, courage, and conscience with which Granddad and I demonstrated during the 13 years we raised you.

   You are 16; however, you are not like a cricket nor rabbit. Both hop about copulating without thinking about the long-term consequences and ramifications. As a human being, a homosapian, you have the mental capacity to understand morals and right from wrong, instead of just pleasure of the moment.    You have the courage to say “No!”.You have the conscience to know that sex within a committed, marital relationship is infinitely more satisfying than a quickie, that doesn’t really satisfy anything or anybody.

   The only “safe sex” is no sexual intercourse. School has taught you about the mechanics of how the pieces and parts fit together. Now, you know your male part fits her female part. It works that way for each male and whichever female that comes his way.

   The right way is to focus on graduating from high school, getting a college degree or military experience, and establishing your career. Then when you’re 25-years old, look around for a woman who has also followed a moral life-time goal. Then, together, you can venture forth on building a home, family, and future that celebrates your triumph in being a human, instead of a cricket.

I love you and nothing you do can destroy my love for you. There will always be a place for you in my heart.


From her Webiste”

Mercedes Helnwein was born in Vienna, Austria, daughter to Austrian artist Gottfried Helnwein. 

She moved to Ireland with her family in her teens, where she spent her time writing and drawing. Consciously choosing not to attend art schools, Helnwein developed a distinct visual style that remained fully untouched by outside opinions, peers or fads.  Instead she drew her inspiration from personal influences,  ranging from Southern Gothic traditions to the cartoons of Robert Crumb, nineteenth Century Russian literature, American motel culture and the Delta blues, amongst others. 

Her first art shows were self-instigated, unorthodox one-night events in Los Angeles often with one or two other inexperienced young artists, most commonly photographer Alex Prager.  Sponsored by various alcoholic beverage companies, magazines, and unlikely supporters such as Land Rover, these shows generated a surprisingly genuine response and enabled Helnwein to continue developing her ideas, styles and experimenting with her interests and themes.  She exhibited regularly in Los Angeles during this period at the Merry Karnowsky Gallery, as well as in Europe, steadily garnering interest and collectors, amongst them Damien Hirst, who bought out a London show.

With her series “Asleep in the Wind”  Helnwein broke from the primarily pencil-focused style of her early work, moving onto large-scale formats and experimenting with oil pastel as a medium.  In 2015 she further developed her work in this direction with  “Living Room Fire”,  expanding into a wider range of media and delving deeper into the theme of American living rooms and the “almost normal” activities of its characters. 

Film and photography has also long been an integral part of Helnwein’s work, whether behind the scenes as reference material or in the forefront with films for her exhibitions, such as the “Cops and Nurses” film in 2013.  Her brother, composer Ali Helnwein, often collaborates with her on these projects.  

Her novel SLINGSHOT is being published by Wednesday Books/ St. Martin’s Press and becomes available April 2021.

Mercedes Helnwein currently lives and works in downtown Los Angeles and Irelan


Slingshot DB103439

Helnwein, Mercedes. Reading time: 11 hours, 37 minutes.

Read by Jesse Vilinsky.

Growing Up

Young Adult


Grace Welles is barely surviving life at a third-tier boarding school in the Florida swamps when she accidentally saves new student Wade Scholfield and everything changes. Strong language and descriptions of sex. Commercial audiobook. For senior high and older readers. 2021.

Downloaded: July 31, 2021

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